Weather app

To facilitate effective dissemination of weather forecasts and -warnings, MET Norway will collaborate to create a prototype weather app for the general public, similar in purpose to the Yr weather service at MET Norway. At our first workshop at DCCMS in Blantyre, Malawi in November 2021, the overall most important feedback from DCCMS was for the project to work with an app.

It is probable that other NMHSs may wish to be involved at a later stage. In order to help with this issue, MET Norway does not plan to build a complete app ourselves. Rather, the long-term plan is to find a local partner that NMHSs can coordinate with to create and maintain such an app.

In the shorter term, however, MET Norway intends to explore how such an app should look and function to best facilitate the intended user groups. This will be done in close cooperation with NMHSs and other local stakeholders. We expect them to both have a better understanding of local conditions and easier access to  interviews when gathering requirements for the app. MET Norway also aims to create a simple prototype of this app to demonstrate roughly what a finished product could look like.

vær app prototypePrototype of the Malawian weather app from design tool Figma.