MET Norway Weather api

heat map

Heat map, use of api data worldwide

This weather web service gives you a weather forecast for the next 9-10 days for the geographic coordinates you specify. The forecast has many different parameters, such as air temperature, precipitation and wind speed. It gives updated global weather data 4 times a day, and up to 24 times a day in areas covered by the MEPS model.


This web service is built by MET Norway as data backend for the web site Yr is a collaboration between Norwegian Broadcasting Company and MET Norway. The web service was built in 2007, and has been further developed and maintained since.


This web service uses three forecast models: MEPS (MetCoOp Ensemble Prediction System) for Scandinavian areas, Arome Arctic for Arctic areas and ECMWF for global weather data. Within the Scandinavian and Spitsbergen regions the service also uses observations and performs post-processing.

Licenses and restrictions

The delivered data are available for use under a Creative Commons license. See also separate terms of use. The service is open and available for anyone with no registration. You do, however, have to identify your request by setting a self-chosen identification string. The service has a request limit of 20 requests per second.

Planned changes

Outside the API itself there is only one way to be noticed about planned changes. If you want such notifications you have to subscribe to our API-users mailing list.

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