Digital Public Goods

United Nations wants us to use and share digital public goods related to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Most of the approved digital public goods are related to health and education, but in this context it means weather and climate data and software.

Digital Public Good Alliance (DPGA) is the UN initiative that collects and evaluates suggestions for DPG. To be classified as Digital Public Goods they have to meet several requirements like:

  • open data software
  • open source software
  • open AI models
  • open standards
  • has open content that adhere to privacy - and other applicable laws - and best practices
  • do no harm and and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

DPGA logo

MET Norway has developed a Digital Public Good, the datasets used by the weather service Yr. These are point specific weather forecasts produced 4 times a day, covering the entire globe and the period 1-10 days ahead in time. The dataset is accessible via an api (programming interface).